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Selectmen Minutes 05/03/2011

Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
May 3, 2011

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Matt Cole, Donna Chagnon, Alan Mayville, Walter Sanborn, John Martell, Pat Clarke, Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, John Freeman, Lucille Noel, Thomas Houle, Chris Weir, Dave Colbert
Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Department Heads

Police:  The Saturation Patrol Grant was signed.  The two new laptops are in.  Mr. DeBold requested a summary of activity.  Mr. Paveglio asked again for overtime to be clearly identified on the time sheets.  Mr. Paveglio asked Chief Clarke to look into posting the departments activity in the local paper.  Mr. Paveglio wants Chief Clarke to keep an eye on his fuel line due to the increasing prices.

Building Inspector:  John Freeman provided a monthly activity report to the Selectmen; total revenue for April was $535.25.  
John conducted inspections at the Safety Building and issued a permit completion form for the renovations.

EMD:  Mr. DeBold asked John Martell if he had an opinion with regard to Chichester showing support on State funding for the flooding problems in our neighboring Towns.  John
Martell was in favor of supporting them.

Highway:  The crew has been replacing culverts and sweeping and cleaning the roads.  Jim will have an intents prepared for the mitigation grants for Cross and Swiggy Brook for next Tuesday.  The intents are due in by May 13th.  Funding has not been released for our current grants.
Jim said his dumpster was filled on Sunday from the Pig Roast at Carpenter Park.  He said if the Town approves the use of his dumpster he needs to know because there are times when he doesn’t have room.  He had to call for a pick up.

Mr. Jordan wants to meet with Jim regarding the water issues on Ring Road.  Jim is aware of the issues and is working on a resolution with the residents.  
Mr. Paveglio asked again for a summer project summary.The employment status of the temporary employees was discussed.  Nancy consulted an employment expert, who concluded the employees are temporary as long as we treated them as temporary.  Meaning temporary employees are called in day by day or project by project.  If they start to have regular hours then they are regular employees.  Nancy will send correspondence to those classified as temporary so that everyone is clear on their status.
Jim will get information to Nancy regarding the Hilliard Road resident who has been doing work in the roadway.

Mr. Paveglio asked if the Highway Department has a safety policy.  The only policy is the Town’s safety policy.  Mr. Paveglio reported noticing an employee not wearing the appropriate ear protection.  Mr. Paveglio also asked if our contractors have insurance and how do we verify.  Nancy and Jim both replied that the contractor is required to provide an insurance certificate.

Fire: Matt Cole is happy to report that the problems with Engine 3 seem to be resolved.  The truck committee is now active.  The FD has been reviewing run cards.  They are also working on a plan for new and replacement dry hydrants.  The Fire Department has ordered new spreaders and is looking for new cutters.

The Department will not be burning the house on Main Street.

They have been participating in training with our mutual aid Towns.

The annual Mother’s Day Breakfast is on Sunday.

The bay doors are in need of maintenance.

Mr. Paveglio wants the Fire Department to look into the lease of the pond on Route 4 as it may be coming due.

Library:  The Library is having a book sale on Saturday May 7.  The Teen Book Club has been successful.  The basement renovation committee will be getting information out to the public.  They will have a model built after the design is complete.

Historical Society: Yard sale this weekend.

Heritage Commission:  May is preservation month.  There will be yellow signs with the verse “This Place Matters” placed on historical sites for awareness.

Alan Williams
Mr. Williams was asked to come back in to meet Mr. DeBold.  Mr. DeBold explained to Mr. Williams that being a Planning Board member can be difficult.  Mr. DeBold wants the members to uphold our zoning no matter what their personal feelings are about zoning.  Mr. Williams agrees.

Other Business

Pig Roast:  Chris Weir asked Jamie Pike to help him prepare thank you letters for the Selectmen to sign.  The letters are for the business’ that contributed substantially to the Food Pantry/Welfare benefit pig roast.  Chris would like to recognize Mike Paveglio and Jaan Luikmil as they were instrumental in making the pig roast a success.  The Town does not have a use policy for the park; however the policy for use of the Grange Hall prohibits commercial use.  Chris asked why the use is limited when it could be a revenue source for the Town.  There was a brief discussion and the Selectmen will take it under advisement.

Dave Colbert:  Dave Colbert reported an incident with our tree service on Smith Sanborn Road.  He is concerned the company may not have insurance.  Nancy will follow-up.  Mr. Colbert also reported seeing safety violations by Highway Department employees.  The Selectmen will follow-up.  Mr. Paveglio feels the Highway Department needs their own safety policy that is equipment specific.  The Selectmen would like to send a memo to the Road Agent asking him to make the equipment specific safety policy a priority.

Zoning:  The Selectmen had tabled some lighting violation investigations this winter.  Mr. DeBold will investigate.

Harkness well:  Nancy received comment back from counsel and reviewed it with the Selectmen.  Nancy also had a draft agreement and release drawn up. Mr. DeBold was in favor of providing some monetary reimbursement for the replacement of the pump; however the other two Selectmen were not.  Mr. DeBold will contact the Harkness’ regarding the decision and getting the agreement signed.  

Suncook River:  Keith Cota, Selectmen Town of Epsom, made a request for the Chichester Board to sign written testimony on in favor of House Bill 25, which provides funding for flood mitigation.  There was a discussion about whether or not Chichester should sign on since we do not have any houses in the flood zone.  After discussion the Board decided in favor of supporting our neighbors.

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to support the written testimony in favor of House Bill 25, which would allow for an appropriation of $2 million for flood mitigation projects. Motion passes.

Food Pantry/Welfare donations:  
Pursuant to RSA 31:95-n Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds from Chris and Desiree Weir in the amount of $75.00 to be used in support of the Welfare Department. Motion Passes.

Pursuant to RSA 31:95-n Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds received from:

Ben and Donna Brown      in the amount of              $40.00
Chris and Desiree Weir     in the amount of             $200.00
St. Stephens Episcopal Church  in the amount of $200.00 and
Janet and Raymond Labbe     in the amount of     $100.00
for the support of the Food Pantry.  Motion Passes.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:07pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Richard DeBold, Chairman D.  Michael Paveglio                                 Jeffrey Jordan